What Will Whiten Grout? Moorestown Tile and Grout Cleaning



What Will Whiten Grout? While sweeping and mopping tile floors regularly are the most basic ways to keep them clean, you can do a lot more to keep them in good shape.

Combine 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, and 1 tsp dish soap in a mixing bowl. Apply the cleaning solution to the grout, let it wait for 5-10 minutes, then clean and rinse.

However, do you want your tile floors to sparkle for ages? Home cleaning methods are not as good as the professionals. Here is a bit more about keeping your tile floor looking its best. However, it is recommended to use Moorestown tile and grout cleaning experts to best care for your tiles.


Cleaning Your Tile and Grout

You may be a pro at cleaning your tile floors, yet you will need to think about how often you clean them and what cleaning solutions you use. It's advised you damp-mop your tile floors at least once a week or more if it is in a busy area. However, you need to make sure there is no grit, as this can scratch the surface.

Cleaning solutions should be chosen according to the tile floors you have. An all-purpose, non-oil-based cleaner should be suitable for glazed tile. After mopping, use a spray cleaner to remove any soap scum. It would help if you also used a neutral pH cleaner on an unglazed tile.

While this helps, you can still see your grout gets dirty. It will take a Moorestown tile and grout cleaning expert to get your grout back to white.


Preventing Damage to Tile Floors

There are several ways for protecting your tile floors against corrosive chemicals such as dirt, sand, grit, or oil, as well as immense pieces of furniture.

You can install high-quality floor mats inside doorways and exits, as these are some of the simplest ways to get started. Coarse particles can be collected and trapped by the floor mats, preventing them from reaching your tile.

To decrease tile wear, floor mats should be placed near high-traffic areas such as kitchen sinks and stoves. Protective pads should be placed behind heavy furniture on tiled floors to avoid tile wear.

Although this helps, these tips and many others don't suffice when you want a deep clean on your tile and grout. It takes experts such as Majestic Carpet Cleaning Services to get down to the bottom of the dirt and drag it to the surface with the power of steam.

Do not push yourself to tackle a demanding job and hire professionals to clean your tile and grout when necessary.



To proceed, you can contact Majestic Carpet Cleaning Services and get your tile and grout cleaning by the best.

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